The Making of Elliadore Perfumes: Part I

Welcome to our very first post, dear Ellist!

When it comes to creating perfumes, many tend to assume that it’s an easy job. However, at Elliadore, we produce our perfumes from scratch where it actually requires the right procedures and techniques to get the perfect scent. With our very own personal chemist who is based in the United Kingdom, Elliadore perfumes go through a very detailed and strict process; from handling the raw materials, smell-testing and even double-checking the capping before finalizing the products.

Now, we will take you on a journey of making Elliadore perfumes where you will learn how each process happens – distillation, measuring and all that jazz. We will take you through everything. So, are you excited? If you are, then just sit tight and enjoy the ride!

Making perfume requires time as we want to give the best end result to everyone. Every little detail is as important including the process of measuring raw materials. These raw materials will be undergoing chemical process to obtain the scented products. However, any impurities will cause the scent to smell differently than the expected final product. Therefore, quality control is crucial during the process so that the scent of the final product is not affected.

The next stage is the distillation process. Distillation or boiling is a process where liquid turns into vapour when it is heated to its boiling point. The purpose of doing this process is to preserve the natural scent of each ingredients before proceeding to the next step. As seen in the above photos, one of the ingredients is being distilled to preserve its smell.

And of course, as we mentioned before, each scent will go through the quality control to make sure that the scent does not turn out differently than the expected final scent. Smelling scents can be a bit tricky too because the sense of smell differs from one person to another. Thus, we will only rely on the olfactory sense of trained people who are familiar with fragrances and notes. After we have satisfied with result, we will continue with the next step.

The next step is to combine all the scents together creating a fragrance oil which will then be mixed with other chemicals such as alcohol. Do you know that alcohol is used in fragrance because it will help to preserve, blend and stabilize the ingredients and diffuse the scents better when it is applied on the skin? Interesting, isn’t it?

So that is all for Part I where we expose our laboratory and parts of fragrance-making process! Fret not, we will take you on another journey very soon and this time around, we will reveal how the fragrances are going through the production process. So, don’t forget to stay tuned for our next article. You don’t want to miss it for sure. Until next time, our dearest Ellist!

Much love,



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